Sunday, Oct. 4th 2020 ~ Welcome Division 3!

Hello Division 3

Please look at our classroom blog each day and encourage your parents to do the same – especially if you want them to stop asking what you have for homework ; ) Let them take a look for themselves : )

  1. Math is due Mondays to Thursdays for everyone
  2. Math 6B – please make sure your math has been marked
  3. LWW – complete the questions and read up to chapter 3 (Tues.)
  4. P.E strip daily – remember we will be outside a lot this year.
  5. RESUMES (Tues.) – we are applying for our jobs this week.
  6. City Posters – please ensure your posters are completed this week.
  7. Teams and Email – please begin to check your email regularly and take a look at Teams as we will be doing assignments through Teams from time to time.

Note: If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email.

Hope everyone had a good Terry Fox Run.

~ Zanette


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