Thursday, Nov. 8 2008

  1. Math 5 Pg. 8 #1-6 (Not #5) Due Tuesday
  2. Math 6 Ms. M Pg. 58 #12-15
  3. Remembrance Day Assembly Friday during Math 
  4. No school Monday
  5. Pay due to your Bank Clerk Friday
  6. Bank Clerk books due Tuesday/Wednesday

Science: Students learned about Google Docs and have been doing research for a Science Question they chose.

S.S: Students labelled the continents of a map and will be looking at other parts of a map.

Art: Tomorrow students will be finishing their 3-D planet for our classroom solar system and begin working on a paper version that will be placed in the hallway for the school to see. 

Writing: Students worked on writing sentences and expanding their writing. They will be working on paragraph structure next week. 

Reading/Writing/S.S: Students researched for their Science question this week and read a book on Remembrance Day. Today students responded to “Do we do enough to remember those who have sacrificed their lives and health for others? After watching a clip for Remembrance Day, listening to a read aloud and having a debate on the same question, the students returned to their desk and answered the question again. This was done to see if their was growth in expanding their answer. 

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