14-Friday’s Homework

  1. Please complete at least two parts of each section for your Draft Resume (For example, Work Experience/Volunteering -provide two jobs you’ve done and include a description for each). This can be found in your white duotang. Monday you need to have it with you so that we can type it out in the lab.
  2. White sheet -this has questions for your parents to answer. Please have your mom or dad complete this by Mon or Tues before the conference. If you would like another copy for your mom/dad to do seperately  please let me know.
  3. Altered books (look at Thursday) due (Wed)
  4. White board felt (dry erase felt) and an old sock (Wed)
  5. Comfort Kit -please fill the plastic bag and return it by Oct 1st for our red Earthquake bin
  6. PE strip and Library (Mon)
  7. I will have your schedule to you by Tuesday at the latest as now I am waiting for our computer schedule. Thank you all for your patience!
  8. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

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