End of Term 2

Congratulations for working so hard in Term 1 Division 5! 

We will be working on creating our inventions in Term 2. Some students wanted to get started over the break, so we had a class discussion about some of the basic criteria. When students return from their break, we will create a marking rubric together so that students have a clear understanding of their expectations.

For now, students should keep the following in mind: 

  1. Students are inventing a compound machine. A machine/device made with simple machines. 
    1. Grade 4’s need at least 4 homemade simple machines that work
    2. Grade 5’s need at least 5 homemade simple machines that work
    3. The entire machine does not have to work, but each simple machine should be homemade and work
    4. Students need to create Instructions that explain how each part of the machine works. Label each simple machine and explain how they help to do work. 

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