I have marked your drafts of the Country Project

Hello Division 3,

For term 2 you will find a lot of posts on the blog so please check it regularly.

I have marked all of your Natural Resource/Electricity Drafts based on effort. Your effort is either N: Needs Improvement, S: Satisfactory or G: Good. I have used a plus/minus beside the letters as well. You will find your effort mark within your folders. Look at the name of the homework assignment file and beside number “1” you will find your letter. I will show this to you in class this week. Please note that if you show more effort on the next two assignments then I will disregard this effort mark, as it is your first assignment for the project and I think that with the feedback and examples you will have a better understanding of what is expected of you.

Thank you again,

Mrs. Zanette

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