Thursday Sept. 12th 2013

Note to Parents. Please note that my email is incorrect on the newsletter. There is a dot/period missing between my first and last name.    – My apologies

1. Students need to complete questions for the “Bad Example” Resume (due Fri)

2. YPC Notice (you can pay on line but the notice needs to be signed and returned to school)

3. White board felt and water bottle (For Monday Please)

4. PE Strip – an extra shirt to change into please (Fri)

5. $8 for planners (Pay on-line and sign the form please)

6. Duotangs – a few students are missing their duotangs and sheets are getting lost already (Monday please)

7. Students took home a notice explaining the on-line payment method

Have a fabulous day! It was great to put faces to names of parents at the School Picnic today!

Miss. Parent

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