what makes the sea an extreme envirnment ?

What makes the sea an extreme environment?


notes thinking
In the sea there is very high pressure as you go down the higher the pressure gets.


The deep sea is (1800) meters below sea level which is a long way

The sea has a number of dangerous wild life that


Is very territorial this picture is called a viperfish as you can see it does not want to be friendly and if you go down enough you will see this fish at 5,000 feet below


The viperfish is one of the most unusual-looking fish in the deep sea. It is also one of the most popular and well-known species. Known scientifically as Chauliodus sloani, it is one of the fiercest predators of the deep. This fish can be easily recognized by its large mouth and sharp, fang-like teeth. In fact, these fangs are so large that they will not fit inside the mouth. Instead, they curve back very close to the fish’s eyes. The viperfish is thought to use these sharp teeth to impale its victims by swimming at them at high speeds. The first vertebra, right behind the head, is actually designed to act as a shock absorber. This fearsome looking creature has a long dorsal spine that is tipped with a photophore, a light-producing organ. The viperfish uses this light organ to attract its prey





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