Who Am I?

i am a dog band from places like burnaby what breed am i a pitbull People think im bad 🙁 i want to play but People kill me like Mexico they have a Holladay called kill pitbull day i hide i cry i see deaths why do you do this i see my family dieing i want to help i do i bite him then he gets a gun i run i cry i hear gun fire i dont look back i go to canada i find a family eating haveing fun i smile i wish i was them a but look at me im just a dog i have no reason liveing my family is dead err i must have a right i dont i need right! i am just a dog with a diffrent jaw whane i bite its diffrent it hruits more how? plz tell me? BY alex this is what pepole do to pitbulls and this is a Lucky pitbull

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