joshua – Who am I ?

Joshua Storoshenko                                                                              Sept. 25 2012

Who Am I?

I am a ninja Pikachu running around. I have the sword of darkness .I always have taco in my mouth because I always eat tacos I never forget a taco. I have a pet  YOSHI  with  9000,0000,9999,9999,9999,9999 tacos , and he drinks space soda. I have black eyes with dark power. I have darkness arrows.  I live in a game called Pokémon explorers of darkness. I always ride a YOSHI when I go on a long adventure I race horses with my epic YOSHI. I have fights with this creepy guy named WEEGEE.  My dream is to be a flying shiny Pikachu doing the disco while eating a taco. I am power full and I have never been beat in a free for all brawl or a single battle, I am the king of everything of everywhere in the world of darkness. I rule the world, I have a ninja head band.

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