26-Wednesday’s Homework

  1. Math 5 Unit 2, Lesson 1, Question 1 (That is it as we did a lot of other stuff today!)
  2. Science KWL sheet -Have 3 points for each section of the sheet due (Thurs) You are allowed to use the text book for help and should have signed one out if needed. (Please place the sheet into my in box)
  3. French alphabet: please complete the sheet by writing out the sounds, not the letter. Please study the alphabet as you have a quiz next Tues. I will say the letter in French and you will write it in English. Practice the song in French with a friend! (Tues)
  4. We cook tomorrow afternoon so please make sure you have your Sprouting Chef notice signed (waiting on 5) Please bring a plastic container to eat your food out of and to bring home. (Environmentally friendly)


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