17-Monday’s Homework

  1. Your child should have their conference time written down in their planner for you.
  2. Students will have from 9-9:45 in the lab tomorrow to work on their good copy of their resume. Most students said that is enough time. The sooner we get resumes done, the sooner we can apply for jobs!
  3. Students voted and thought it would be best to buy a 1GB USB to transfer work from home to school. We are supposed to be getting Google Docs and this would allow students to transfer their work without a USB.
  4. Students voted that Scholastic is now due this Tuesday as there is only one student who wants to order.
  5. Please have your white board felts and sock by Wed. so we can use our boards!
  6. This FRIDAY is a PRO-D day
  7. This WED and THURS school will be let out by 1:45 for Parent Conferences
  8. Thank you to everyone who has filled out the questions I sent home, I understand that I will see some on the day of the conference.
  9. Please remember to pay $8 for your planner and 80cents for duotangs.
  10. We still have 9 students who need to hand in their grey media and walking form.

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