Category: Math Div 1 & 2

Valentine’s Day Art & Cards

Happy Valentine’s Day ♡

As a class, we decided to spread some love and cheer by making art and cards for the seniors in our Burnaby community.

Students worked with Ms. Tadd, our Community Coordinator and community partner, IAK (Intentional Acts of Kindness). 

Sumdog Math Contest: Feb 19-25

Hello Math Groups!

We will be entering into Sumdog’s math contest from February 19-25.
You will compete against other classes in our school!

Burnaby math contest Feb 19-25

How to participate:

  1. Play any math game or practice question from February 19-25.
  2. Try to get a high score by making sure you enter your answer correctly (double check your work)

How to win:

  • Have fun practicing and playing math games on Sumdog!

Prizes to win:

  • First Place Class: awarded Certificate of Achievement and coins
  • Participation Award: receive a special item for your Sumdog House
  • Answer 100 questions: win a special item for your Sumdog House


Ms. Yeh

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