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Wednesday April 29th

Good morning, Div. 5! 

Today is Wednesday, which means it is time for another mystery science! 

This week’s mystery science we will explore how solid rock breaks apart into smaller pieces through a process called weathering (including root-wedging and ice-wedging). In the activity, Sugar Shake, you can use sugar cubes as a model for rocks. Then you are invited to perform an experiment with this model to understand the process of weathering and how this process explains why rocks at the tops of mountains are jagged, while those at the bottom are rounded.  

  1. Watch this video 
  1. Try the experiment! (if you don’t have any sugar cubes, you can just make the predictions! You can click here to see a video of someone doing the experiment – with some bonus content too!)
  1. Reflect on your learning with the attached form. 
  1. Try these extensions (optional):
  • Go on a Plant Walk – look for plants that have taken root where humans might think they “don’t belong”. You may find grass growing in cracks in a sidewalk or plants sprouting between stones or bricks in a wall. 
  • Check out this 10-minute video from Yosemite National Park which shows what happens when rocks break off a steep slope. 

Today we are also launching Hana & Yannes’s Art Contest!  

Yannes and I(Hana) were thinking of doing an art contest. 

All Div. 4 & 5 students are invited! (Siblings can enter too!) 

The due date will be May the 14th. 

The pictures can be uploaded to the ART channel in Teams! 

The criteria: 

  • It has to be art related  
  • Be creative 
  • No comparison  
  • Most of all Have Fun! 

By: Hana & Yannes 

Thank you for submitting this great idea, Hana and Yannes! You are encouraging your classmates to be creative and share their ideas with the class! We look forward to seeing everyone’s art projects! You can share multiple art projects – even art projects you did earlier in the term (such as the climate art!). Your siblings can also share their art for the contest, you will just have to help them upload it to our team! Please let me know if you need any help or have any questions! 

Check out this Climate Art from a Div. 5 student! 🙂

This Div.5 student started with plotting the points on their graph!

Check out the finished product! It looks awesome!!

Tuesday April 28th

Good morning! 

Today we are introducing the next step of our inquiry project. Some of you might be on your Inquiry assignment #2 (choosing 2 countries to explore), or some of you might be ready for the next step! 

You had so many great ideas for this project! We categorized your questions to help you organize your research and included them in assignment #3. This week, you can choose 1-3 questions to research. They don’t have to be from the same category! 

  • You can take notes in the empty column (make sure they are in your own words). 
  • The questions are just suggestions! You might come up with your own questions for the topics! 
  • You can add photos! 
  • You can type on this document, or in powerpoint, or write on paper! 
  • You can use the “Suggested Resources” for links to helpful websites and databases! 

We have a special math inquiry problem for you! This math problem helps explore representing big numbers! Try your best to remember the different ways to represent the numbers. If you don’t remember, how could you find out? 

Make sure you are checking in with your peers in our communication channel! Post a message and say “Hi!” to the class. If you haven’t already you can post on the Book Club channel and share your thoughts on the first 4 chapters of “A Boy Called Bat.” I love hearing your thoughts on this book! Have you talked to your family about our class meeting on Thursday? Will you be attending? 

As always if you need anything, just ask!! 🙂

Friday April 24th

Hello Div. 5!

What will your shape of the day look like?

Literacy – Book Club Online

If you’d like to participate in book club the first book we are going to read is A BOY CALLED BAT! I had read you a few chapters in March but we never got to finish! Luckily this great book is on EPIC! If you’d like to join in Book Club please read the first 4 chapters. Once you’ve read those 4 chapters go to the announcement and make sure you hit REPLY. Post your thoughts, wonders, and INFERENCES! I can’t wait to discuss this book with you all! (If you’ve already read the book, no worries, just join in and post your thoughts – but no spoilers!!!

Earth Day Graphing (Numeracy & Flexible Learning) 











This year, we have done a lot of learning about the environment and climate change! To celebrate Earth day this week, here is another idea from Donna Morgan, our district math and science teacher. She featured an artist named “Jill Pelto , who is an amazing scientist and artist. Jill Pelto creates beautiful images from climate data. What do you notice about these two images? What climate stories do they tell? Now take a look at this graph. Can you see how she used it to create her art?  

You can create your own climate art! 

  • First, you can download the climate data and graph paper.  
  • Next, you can turn the graph into art! It could be climate art or just environment art. What do the shapes remind you of? 
  • Or, if you would just like to do the art, you can create an approximate graph line 
  • Here is a link to a full lesson and videos to support you from NASA 

Looking at next week, there’s a few things! Monday is a Pro-D-Day so there will be no new assignments posted. We’ll also be having our first Team Meeting! Please see information about it below!

Next week on Thursday April 30th we will be having an optional class meeting in Teams at 11:00am.

During this meeting we’ll be able to chat and connect for a bit and I can try to answer any questions you may have!

Please do not use this function on your own. The only time we will be using it will be during our class meetings. If you want to connect with your peers on video chat you can set that up independently using a different platform like zoom or a phone call!

You can access the meeting in a few ways

  • You can use the email inviting you to the meeting
  • You can log on to Teams and find the meeting in the calendar tab (on the left side, below assignments
  • You can log on to Teams and find the meeting in the general channel

Once it’s time for our meeting there will be a button that says “Join Meeting” – click it when you’re ready to enter the meeting.

When you join, you need to mute your speaker and turn off your video. You will see a little video camera and microphone image on the middle part of your screen. Please make sure these are turned off for the time being. If the audio and video is turned on it will slow down the software and our meeting will not work as smoothly.

Please remember this is an optional meeting. If you cannot attend, don’t worry! We will have another!

If you are attending please make sure you give yourself some time to find a quiet space, log in to teams, join the meeting, and turn off your camera and microphone.

While in the meeting make sure that you are respectful and kind. It is really important that we respect each other’s privacy! That means on the call we shouldn’t be recording any audio or video!

Please inform a parent/guardian about this video call. Be sure to ask for permission before joining.


As always you can continue to work on any assignments or activities you haven’t finished!

Check out this awesome robot build from the STEAM activity posted last friday!! This handy robot helps clean up Lego! We need this for mindful minutes!!

Thursday April 23rd

Hello Division 5!

What will your shape of the day look like?  

  • Can you include elements of each: Well being & Connection, Literacy, Numeracy, Flexible Learning? 

Well being & Connection 

  • I love starting my day with stretching, taking an active break at lunch (I use an app for guided exercises), and going for a walk later in the day. These activities help me stay energized, focused, and happy. Do you have an activity routine? What are your favourite ways to be active? 

Today you can be working on a few simile worksheets on Teams. Similes use “like” or “as” to compare different things. What similes will you come up with? 

As we continue to do a lot of learning on our computers or tablets it’s important that we continue to develop our typing skills. Today it would be great if you did a lesson or two on All the Right Type. Here’s a refresher of how to log in.  

To login: Go to the website for All the Right Type ( then, select “School User Sign-In” at the top of the page and enter your sign in credentials: 

School Code: canbcsd412081 



Please message your teacher in your private channel if you forgot your username or password!

Have a lovely day!!

Happy Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day! How will you celebrate the Earth today? 

You can check out the linkabove and then think about what one thing you can do to take better care of the earth. Let’s all make Earth Day Promises to encourage ourselves to be committed to make a difference!! You could plan to make sure you turn off the water when you brush your teeth, recycle, use reusable containers, make a pollinator garden, etc.  

  • My Earth Day Promise is…  
  • You can post your earth day promise in your private channel or in the communication channel.  

There’s also a Mystery Science you can work on today!

  • In this week’s mystery science we are continuing our study of volcanoes!  We will learn about different kinds of volcanoes and how the thickness of the lava can explain the shape and eruption pattern of the volcanoes.  Using lava made out of water and flour, we will test how different lavas create different shapes and trap gases differently. You can find the video and instructions on teams “assignments”! 

Tuesday April 21st

Hi Div. 5,

I hope you are having a great start to your day! What will your shape of the day look like today? Here is some inspiration to continue your week: 


  • These are very interesting times in our world. Today, you are invited to read a book called Coronavirus: A Book for Children. It can help answer some questions you might be having. You might even want to write a journal response about it. There will be a Coronavirus Story & Journal “Assignment” available to you this morning in Teams. As with other activities, this is optional. However, you might want to continue adding in your journal each week to write about how you are feeling. It might be something very special and interesting to look back at.


  • Check out your math channel for ideas and activities (grade 4’s – you might want to create your online shop!)

Flexible Learning 

This Wednesday is Earth Day! How will you celebrate Earth day this year? 

  • Can you take a walk outside every day this week?
  • Can you check on your spring bud – how much has it grown? Do another sketch!
  • Do you have a special Earth Day project or initiative? Can you create one with a friend?
  • Here is a mini Mystery Science about Earth:How Old is the Earth? 
  • Check out the bonus for some amazing inventions using recycled plastic! Do they inspire you?

Have you started the next part of your Country Inquiry? You can continue to browse the resources and start thinking about what country you’d like to research!

Well-being and Connection 

  • How many different colourscan you see on your walk today?  
  • How many different sounds can you hear?
  • Can you send a photo of your learning to your teacher?
  • Can you phone a friend?
  • Can you connect with your peers on our communication channel on Teams?


If you need anything or have any questions please let Ms.Yee know! 😊

Monday April 20th

Hi Div. 5 families and students,

Thank you so much for sharing your feedback on how distance learning has been going for you so far. I really appreciated hearing how everyone is doing.

This is all new to us, so there’s going to be some things that work well and some things that don’t. We’re all trying to figure this out as we go!

Please do whatever makes sense for your family. Please do not feel pressured to complete assignments. We’re all on our own learning journeys and we all have our own interests and activities that we do outside of school. This is a very unusual time and our distance learning won’t look like what would typically do at school and that’s okay.

If your family is having troubles navigating the online platforms and are preferring to do your own thing or just the blog activities, that’s great too. Anything you choose to do, you can always share in your private channel on Teams to stay connected.

As always in a classroom there’s differences among us. Some of us like structure with due dates, for some of us due dates stress us out and we like to complete things at our own pace.

Going forward when posting assignments due dates will say till June. Whenever you choose to complete assignments is great, if you choose to do them. It is your family’s choice! Please do assignments that make sense to your family and what is manageable.

The guidelines we’ve been given for distance learning each day are as follows:

  • 30 minutes: well-being and connection (physical activity and connecting with friends and family)
  • 30 minutes: literacy activity (reading and writing)
  • 30 minutes: numeracy activity (math)
  • flexible time: flexible learning (passion projects, ADST, STEAM, and beyond!)

At grade 4/5 it is suggested that students spend 90 minutes + flex time a day.

What we CAN do today:

SEL and Connection: Check out Teams and connect with your peers. Chat, connect, share what you’ve been doing. Get active! Get your body moving – dance breaks are a great way to break up your day. Pop on your favourite tune and dance it out.

Literacy: 2 choices today – You can continue to read for 30 minutes by reading a book you have at home or by reading online on Epic or Tumblebooks!

You can also check out your new Country Inquiry Activity where you’ll have to do a bit of reading about different countries and a bit of writing. Try not to spend more than 30 minutes working on this, come back to it another day!

Numeracy: Please check your grade specific math channel for today’s activities.

Div. 5 Goobers do what you feel comfortable working on. If you need any help please ask!!! Try it own your own first, but if you have read instructions or tried it out and don’t get it, ASK! I’m here. It might take a little time for me to get back to you. But please ask for support!!!

Friday April 17th

Good morning Div. 5,  

We have come to the end of our third week. I miss seeing all your smiling faces, but I have loved seeing your work, photos, comments, and ideas. Our rainbows are bringing us all together!!

Today and this weekend, there are a few things you can do! 

Being active and enjoy the places you live and love 

  • How will you spend time outside this weekend? 
  • Click here to see a live stream of an eagle’s nest in Delta… they are waiting for one more egg to hatch! I wonder how many nests are on Burnaby Mountain. What birds do you hear and see this weekend? 
  • Next Wednesday, April, 22 is Earth Day! Do you have an Earth Day ideas to share? 

Distance Learning Survey 

  • Please fill in our distance learning survey to help your teachers understand how you are feeling so far. 
  • Students: you can find this on Teams 
  • Families: you will receive an email 


  • Check your math channel for games, activities and special challenges 

Finish up

You can finish up any activites that you still have left to do on Teams like Mystery Science, National Geographic Country Scavenger Hunt, Rainbow Art, math activities or Songmaker.

STEAM Friday! 

Amir’s Marvelous Marble Run Challenge! 

Calling all engineers!  Amir has created a marble run challenge for our classes! Thanks for your great idea, Amir! 

The requirements are: 

  • It can be made on your wall or door (with permission! Masking tape is a pretty gentle tape) 
  • Your space can be up to 4 feet by 2 feet and 3 inches (or whatever space you have available) 
  • You have to make a start and end, but the middle is your all your own creativity 
  • You can send a video so we can see 
STEAM Robot Challenge! 

There are so many tools and inventions in our homes that help make our lives a little easier. Your STEAM challenge today is to create a model (a smaller version, not actual size) of a robot that could help you with housework.   

Your robot should have a least one movable joint, like an arm that can go up and down. Your robot needs to help you complete a housework task like sweeping, cleaning, cooking, etc. You can use whatever materials you have at home and that you have permission to use. Things like cardboard, tin foil, paper, tape, toilet paper rolls all would make some cool robots! If you don’t have many building supplies, you could draw out a design for a robot instead!   

Design Requirements: Completed model robots will have a least one movable joint.  

Performance Requirements: To be considered successful, the robot should be able to help you with housework of some kind.  

Don’t forget to follow our STEM Planning steps!  

  1. Describe the problem. What do you want to happen?  
  2. Brainstorm your ideas  
  3. List the materials you will need  
  4. Draw and label your designs  
  5. Write down the steps to your plan  
  6. Test your design. Describe how you tested it and what happened  
  7. Record your results  
    • Did your robot have a moving joint?  
    • Could it help you with housework? What kind?  
  8. What worked and what would you differently next time?  

Extension: Write an advertisement on your Robot, detailing all of it’s amazing features! What price would you sell it for? Why would people want to buy it? Be creative in your ads!  

Make sure you send pictures to show off your amazing designs! Happy creating!   

Thursday April 16th

Good morning, Division 5,  

 You have been doing an amazing job of being active in Teams and connecting with your peers. You have shown patience in learning a new platform. 

Read, read, read! 

To support you with your literacy goals, I have sent you an invitation to explore the Epic reading program. You parents will need to sign up with an account and then I can be a part of your reading journey. If you did not receive the invitation, please let me know.  

Today, explore Epic! Find something to read that interests you! If you aren’t using Epic yet, you can explore Audible or Tumble Books. Then, share what you are reading in the “Book Club” channel in Teams – as always, no spoilers! 


Make sure you check your math channel to see today’s activities! 

Office 365 Teams 

Today you will receive an email about digital citizenship. Here are a few videos to help you explore digital citizenship further. Discussing them as a family is a great idea: 

Tomorrow, we will be sending home a survey for you and your families. We are wondering how this whole process is going for you. What is working well? What is still challenging? How can we best support you at this time? 

Wednesday April 15th

Good morning, Division 5,  

I hope you are having a great start to your day. 

One of this week’s projects is creating art that connects us. People all over the world are creating rainbows and sharing them in their windows and balconies. Rainbows can be a symbol of joy and hope, often coming after a storm. Please join us in creating rainbows to share with our community.  I have posted our UHE “Rainbow Connections” video on Teams, with a beautiful video created by Ms. Cowan. In it, she shares inspiration and ideas to create your rainbow. How many ways can you create a rainbow? Please upload or send your photos in to be part of the collaborative, school-wide project.  


The second assignment that will be posted on Teams is a mystery science! 

This week, we are doing a mystery science lesson that is a bit longer than the previous ones. Many of you were excited to move on to rocks, rock cycles, and earth sciences! And today’s mystery science will be all about volcanoes. 

  1. First watch this mystery science video about volcanoes! 
  1. Do the mapping activity! (You are not required to print them) 
  1. Answer the assessment questions! 


  1. After you complete the lesson and activity, you can try this extension (right click the blue to open video in new tab): 

Do you have a favorite volcanoes? Explore these resources! 

If you want some more activities to do, don’t forget that you can check out previous blog posts for ideas. Additionally you can check out the extension activities on Teams!

Check out this great STEM build by another Div. 5 student!


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