Category: Weekly Activities

Task: End of the Year Reflection – My Core Competencies

**Please take some time to read and fill out this document with your child.**

Below are some ideas about things we did at school in Term 2 – that you can remind the students about:
  • Reading to the class – where students share the books, they have been practicing with their peers
  • Science – Solids, Gas, Liquids unit (class experiments)
  • Math
  • Calendar Routine
  • Daily 5 – Read to self & Write to self
  • Social studies – Family Unit
  • Gym                                                   Click to enlarge
  • Poems
  • Word Work
  • Journal writing
  • Printing, Alphabet books, White boards
  • Carpet sharing time – “Weekend Share”
  • Computer Lab, Library, Music

Activity #9: Spot the Difference 3!

Look at the pictures below and spot the difference. Once you find them, write a few sentences telling Ms. Yaz about the differences you notice.

Use one of these sentence structures to help you complete the activity.
Try to come up with a 2-5 sentences 😊

  • “On the left picture, I see _____________, but on the right picture, there is _______________, instead.”
  • “There is _______________ on the (right/left side), but there is no ______________ in the other picture.”


  • “On the left picture, I see two pears, but on the right picture, there is only one pear.

Activity #8: Spot the Difference 2!

Look at the pictures below and spot the difference. Once you find them, write a few sentences telling Ms. Yaz about the differences you notice.

Use one of these sentence structures to help you complete the activity.
Try to come up with a 2-5 sentences 😊

  • “On the left picture, I see _____________, but on the right picture, there is _______________, instead.”
  • “There is _______________ on the (right/left side), but there is no ______________ in the other picture.”


“There is a red pin on the grandma’s hair on the left side, but there is no red pin in the other picture.”

Activity #7: Spot the Difference!

  1. Look at the pictures below and spot the difference. Once you find them, write a few sentences telling Ms. Yaz about the differences you notice.

    Use one of these sentence structures to help you complete the activity.
    Try to come up with 2-5 sentences 😊

  • “On the left picture, I see _____________, but on the right picture, there is _______________, instead.”
  • “There is _______________ on the (right/left side), but there is no ______________ in the other picture.”


  • “On the left picture, I see a yellow kite, but on the right picture, there is a red kite, instead.”


Task # 5: Acrostic Poem

An Acrostic Poem” is a poem where certain letters in each line spell out a word or phrase.

We are going to write an “Acrostic Poem” using our names! Each letter in our name will be used to describe something about us!

Example: Ms. Yaz

M:  Mindful

S:   Silly

Y:   Young 😉

A:   Awesome

Z:   Zappy


  • Write an Acrostic Poem using your name.
  • Try your best to come up with one word for each of the letters of your name to describe something about you.
  • If you cannot find a word for all the letters of your name that is ok. Do your best! Try to fill in as many letters as you can!

Here is a few more examples of “Acrostic Poems”

Task #4: “May Me”

Activity: Draw a picture of yourself in the box labeled “May Me”
You have until the end of May to finish this activity!


  1. The picture should look like you when you are actually drawing the picture. What colour is your shirt? What does your hair look like? Etc.
  2. Don’t forget all the parts of your face (eyes, eyebrows, nose, ears etc.)
  3. Colour your picture (remember to try your best to colour your picture beautifully)
    Stay in the lines and use soft, light strokes (like Ms. S taught us)


4. Around your picture, draw 2-3 small pictures
of things that happen/or you see in May.

Example: Flowers blooming, plants growing, mother’s day, or anything else that you can think of!

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Task #3: “Sea Urchins” With Ms. J

Did you know that you can eat sea urchins?

Ms. J will show you how to harvest them for their meat. Sea urchins are a delicacy
(a special, delicious food) in many cultures.


Watch Ms. J’s movie.

Writing Activity:

  1. Write out the steps to harvesting the meat of a sea urchin.
    Tip: Use these special words to help you: first, next, then, finally
  2. Explain how to harvest sea urchin meat to someone in your family.
    Tip: You can use your writing to help you.

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Task #2: “April Me”

Activity: Draw a picture of yourself in the box labeled “April Me”

**Our class should be very familiar with this task because we have done a self-portrait of ourselves each month to see how much we change and how much our drawings improve throughout the year.**


  1. The picture should look like you when you are actually drawing the picture. What colour is your shirt? What does your hair look like? Etc.
  2. Don’t forget all the parts of your face (eyes, eyebrows, nose, ears etc.)
  3. Colour your picture (remember to try your best to colour your picture beautifully)
  4. Don’t forget to write your name at the bottom

Stay in the lines and use soft, light strokes (like Ms. S taught us)


  1. Around your picture, draw 2-3 small pictures of things that happen/or you see in April.

Example: Easter eggs, cherry blossoms, trees, the sun, or anything else that you can think of!

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Task #1: Class Agreement

Div.10 – DON’T forget our “Class Agreement”

  • Click on the picture below and read our class agreement with your parents
  • Don’t forget that I expect that you follow all the same expectations in our “Class Agreement” when you are learning online and at home with your families.
  • The way you follow our “Class Agreement” may look a bit different – but the expectations are the same.

For example,                                  Click to enlarge ⇒ 

  • You need to be “kind and helpful” to your family
  • You need to listen to teacher and parent directions
  • You need to be friendly and share with your siblings

Remember you all signed our “Class Agreement” with your “finger signatures” and even though we are not in the classroom – WE ARE STILL A CLASS COMMUNITY,  so the “Class Agreement” still stands.

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