I hope you enjoy our performance celebrating
Pink Shirt Day/Black History Month 🙂
The students did an amazing job!
“What a Wonderful World”
Louis Armstrong
Performed by Division 10
Dear Div. 10 and families.
I have added the slideshow to our class blog, so you can watch it again to remember all our great memories throughout the year!
Have a fun and safe summer!
Love, Ms. Yaz
I have added a fun YouTube! channel for students to look at “LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems”
He is the author of “Piggy and Elephant” & “Pigeon” books, that we enjoyed reading as a class.
I am excited to continue our learning together online. This will be a place where I will post information, lessons, and activities that you can do at home. I have added links to our online resources so that you can access all the information in one place. I will also be posting videos of myself from time to time, and will sometimes have links to videos of other primary teachers from Windsor that you can access.
I know this is new and tricky for all of us (even me), but we will grow as learners together …. And like always we will TRY OUR BEST!
Make sure you visit the blog regularly to access new ideas and activities that you can explore at home.
I miss you all very much … and I am looking forward to seeing you all again!
Ms. Yaz 🙂
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