Monday, November 18th, 2019

Dear Parents, Today, the kids had Music first thing and I continued to conduct reading assessments with them one-on-one. Then, we worked on our student reflections where students reflected on what they are were proud of doing this term and what they would like to work on next term –…

Friday, November 15th, 2019

Dear Parents, Today was a great day! The students were very quiet and listened very well and got a lot of points for their candy reward chart 🙂 I’m so proud of them!! I came in late from a meeting after lunch and they were sitting inside quietly at their…

Thursday, November 14th, 2019

Dear Parents, Today, some of the students started on their Christmas Knitting projects! It was really exciting to see and I am very excited to see the yarn colour choices and knitting progress the students are making! Thank you to our wonderful parent volunteer today for helping out, it’s really…

Wednesday, November 13th, 2019

Dear Parents, Today, we had a bit of a break from Math work and we played this multiplication game as a class – – the kids were very into it and it’s a fun way for them to practice the automaticity of their times tables 🙂 Then, the students worked…

Tuesday, November 12th, 2019

Dear Parents, Today, the students continued to work on their knitting one-on-one with our lovely parent volunteers 🙂 We are looking forward to starting our Christmas knitting projects well in advance of Christmas, so that we can all have ours finished before the holidays! We also went over our new…

Friday, November 8th, 2019

Dear Parents, Today, we played capture the flag outside and then we had our Remembrance Day ceremony. The students’ poppies that were wet felted were displayed in beautiful wreaths at the front near the stage. They looked amazing and are able to bring them home today! Then, the students worked…

Thursday, November 7th, 2019

Dear Parents, Today, we had our spelling test. I have already marked the spelling tests and will be putting them up on Fresh Grade. I have also handed back the Math Tests. In Math, we explored skip counting by playing a numbers game: in groups the students had to skip…

Wednesday, November 6th, 2019

Dear Parents, Today, we read more of “Castle in the Attic” as a class. Then, we started our new unit on Multiplication and Division by multiplying by 0’s, 1’s, and 2’s. The homework is pages 88-89 #1-10. We also had library today where Ms. Zimmerschied showed a video on Remembrance Day…

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

Dear Parents, Today, we had our Math Test on place value, which means that we will be starting our next unit: Multiplication & Division tomorrow! The students also did their Daily 5 stations where they wrote about Remembrance Day, did Word Work practice for spelling, had a guided reading session,…

Monday, November 4th, 2019

Dear Parents, Today, the students had Music class in the morning and then we did a HUGE review of all of the topics that will be on tomorrow’s test. The students worked on pages 76-77: Questions #1-11 to study for the test and were given a lot of time to…