Absence Today Due to Sickness

Dear Parents, I’m not in today because I am under the weather, hoping it will clear up and hoping to be back tomorrow 🙂 The students’ biome pamphlets are due tomorrow! Sincerely, Ms. Wilks

Wednesday, December 11th, 2019

Dear Parents, Today, we worked more on growing patterns. I also gave students the template for writing a pattern rule when looking at the figure chart. The students explored creating very neat growing patterns with linking cubes today and worked on pages 16-17 #1-5, which are homework if it is…

Tuesday, December 10th, 2019

Dear Parents, Today, we worked on creating growing patterns with pattern blocks. Growing patterns are patterns that expand and extend in contrast to repeating patterns that repeat certain/all elements over and over again. Then, we had a music rehearsal for the Wiinter Concert. After lunch, we worked on creating our…

Monday, December 9th, 2019

Dear Parents, Today, we worked on patterns. I have posted some of our example patterns on Fresh Grade. e.g. 2, 4, 6, 8: the pattern rule is Start at 2 and add 2 each time (repeatedly). I gave the students some challenging patterns as well to see what they already…

Friday, December 6th, 2019

Dear Parents, Thank you so much to all the parents who drove today! I really really appreciate it – you made today so seamless with transportation, helping the kids, and supervising them with me 🙂 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I had so much fun and the kids enjoyed it so…

Thursday, December 5th, 2019

Dear Parents, Today, we had our spelling test – I had some prep time today while another teacher came in and finished marking their spelling tests. I have handed them back – the students did amazingly on it, I was so happy and have seen progress throughout the term! I…

Wednesday, December 4th, 2019

Dear Parents, This morning we had a pattern scavenger hunt! It was a lot of fun and the students competed in their teams to find the most patterns in nature and had to draw it down on a paper. Then, we shared our patterns on the board. This was to…

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019

Dear Parents, Today, we worked more on our medieval buildings – they look wonderful and are starting to come together with all of the elements. Students started moulding things out of clay, adding felt, and building fences around their buildings. Then, we had the multiplication and division Math Test. After…

Monday, December 2nd, 2019

Dear Parents, This morning, we read more of “Castle in the Attic” and then did a review for the Math Test. Just a reminder that we will be having our Math Test tomorrow. We worked on our Medieval scripts some more and some of the students created such cool props…

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