Monday, October 21st, 2019

Today we watched an informative video on how to better take care of our plants – . I didn’t know that this was the best way to water plants, so we are trying to implement this to see if our plants will do even better…

FSA Assessment

Hello everybody 🙂 Just wanted to give you a heads-up that we will be starting our FSA Assessment tomorrow and be (hopefully) completing it throughout this week. This is the provincial exam and will not have any effect on report cards or marks. The results…

Friday, October 18th, 2019

Happy Friday, everybody! 🙂 Today, we had Gym and worked on our serving over the net as well as volleying. Then, we had a lesson on Adding 3-Digit Numbers and we talked about different strategies that the students used to add numbers. It was really…

Thursday, October 17th, 2019

Today we played some Math games: the kids really liked the ordering numbers game we played online: We also played a dice rolling game to compare numbers with our partners. The student with the higher number got a point when we were rolling four dice…

Wednesday, October 16th, 2019

Today, we worked on identifying what the > , < , and = mean and how to use them to compare larger and smaller numbers. When we use the > symbol, the larger number goes on the side with the larger opening (e.g. I say…

Tuesday, October 15th, 2019

Hope everyone had a great holiday 🙂 (hopefully you caught up on extra sleep and ate a ton of food like I did!) Today, we expanded on our lesson from Friday. We talked about rounding to the nearest ten and hundred (if a three digit…

Friday, October 11th, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! 🙂 It is a long weekend this weekend, so no school on Monday! Today we worked on estimating sums. The students had dice and had to roll a 3-digit number and round the number to the closest ten. e.g. 328 -> 330….

Thursday, October 10th, 2019

Today the students had time to work on their Math Project: Design a Playground – students had to design a playground and calculate the area of each of the parts of their playground. It was an in-class assignment, if not done it is due on…

Wednesday, October 9th, 2019

Today, the students had a lot of time to work on their Social Studies project for the provinces/territories – their report & shoebox are due on Friday! They are encouraged to work on it at home if they need more time – for each day…

Update for Tuesday, October 9th, 2019

Today we started a brand new chapter of the Math textbook: Chapter 2! We are starting place value and working with hundreds blocks. We worked on three different forms of writing numbers: standard form (just the number in numerals), expanded form (the number addition sentence),…