Wednesday, May 19th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with the Math test. I have marked them and will be uploading them to Fresh Grade tomorrow. Most students did very well on the test.

After, students had music and DPA and then library.

After lunch, we worked on using text evidence in a new, more complex piece of work. I am having students write a paper with text evidence on the message of the book, “Wonder” since we just finished the novel yesterday. We will work on presenting text evidence in our work and backing it up with explanations that tell why a piece of evidence supports our thesis.

After recess, Grade 4s worked on a Fur Trade reading and Grade 5s and I worked on taking up the scavenger hunt for the CCRF and we started making bingo sheets for a related game.

Just a reminder that the spelling test is tomorrow.


Ms. Wilks

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