Wednesday, April 21st, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with practicing drawing 3D shapes and breaking it down step-by-step on the board briefly. Then, I went over drawing lines of symmetry for various shapes and we practiced drawing the shape symmetrically over a broken line. We also played some practice games on symmetry as well.

Grade 4’s: Finish drawing & counting lines of symmetry for the polygons provided

Grade 5’s: Pages 248-249 #1-4, 6-8

Then, students went to Music and we had snack and DPA. Then, we did a bit of Science and left for Library.

After lunch, we worked on differentiating its vs. it’s in sentences and talked a bit more about our personal narratives with some important reminders. Then, students continued writing their personal narratives. They should be at around the rising action/climax portion to be on track.

At the very end of the day, I introduced the Science projects to both Grades. Grade 5’s are picking a body system in partners and creating a model and a comic/book with this information/research. Grade 4’s are making a model or book on Animal Adaptations for a chosen animal, with a major focus on adaptations, as this is our learning topic/unit.

Reminder: Spelling test tomorrow & Math Test on Tuesday.


Ms. Wilks

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