Monday, March 29th, 2021

Dear Parents!

Welcome back! I hope you had a lovely break 😊

Today, we started off with students creating new name tags for their new groups in our seating plan and getting organized by addressing some announcements and reminders as we welcomed 3 new students today 😊

Then, students copied down new spelling words. The spelling test will be on Thursday, April 8th.

After, we had snack and went outside for DPA.

Following DPA, Grade 5s worked independently on a digestive system reading and writing down their prior knowledge and then paraphrasing the information they read and adding it to their information sheet. I worked with the Grade 4s on differentiating between behavioural and physical adaptations and we came up with a large list of various animal adaptations. We did a reading about animal adaptations as an introduction and then students answered some questions to review. The Grade 5s watched a video on the digestive system and we shared our prior knowledge about the digestive system. Then, they got started colouring various organs of the digestive system and are going to assemble them in order next class. The Grade 4s and I took up the questions and we watched a video on adaptations with many animal examples.

After lunch, I introduced personal narrative writing and we looked at a Grade level example. Then, students started brainstorming their own ideas for their personal narrative that they are going to write.

At the end of the day, students worked on their rugs.

Just a reminder that I need report card envelopes back (with signature) and Literature Circle #6 is tomorrow!


Ms. Wilks

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