Monday, February 22nd, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with going over the Math quiz from last week. Then, I introduced the next lesson in our fractions and decimals units for both Grades. We did some practice questions on the lap white boards.

Then, we had snack and went outside for DPA.

When we came back inside, I assigned the new Social Studies project to the Grade 4s and the Grade 5s presented their French communities presentations.

After, Grade 5s completed peer evaluations to let me know if students did equal work or not.

After lunch, we read some “Wonder” and did our Vocabulary Finder role in order to find the definitions to new words in the section we read. We will be starting our independent literature circle books soon.

After recess, students worked on their rugs – they’re looking good already!

Reminder that the spelling test is on Thursday.


Ms. Wilks

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