Thursday, February 11th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with the spelling test. I will be posting them on Fresh Grade today. After, I worked on showing the kids how to compare decimals vs. fractions on a number line and reviewed how to find fractions of a set number. Students worked on:

G5: pages 181-182 #1-8

G4: page 187 #1-4

Then, students had snack and DPA.

After DPA, Grade 5s worked on a French family tree in order to learn some of the French family words. Then, they had the computers to work on their French communities project. While they did this, I worked with the Grade 4s and we talked about the countries the European explorers came from, reviewed reasons for exploration and conditions of being an explorer, and European contact with First Nations peoples. Then, they finished cutting and pasting cause and effect pieces and we took that up. At the end, we watched a video on how explorers used the moon and stars to navigate and a video on the dangers of the Bermuda Triangle.

After lunch, we watched two Social Studies presentations and then students worked on their good copies of their persuasive writing which is due on Tuesday.

After recess, Ms. Peddie came in and had students present their written dialogues from last week. They were very well done!

Dot artwork is due Tuesday as well as good copy of persuasive writing. Our Valentine’s party is also tomorrow and it is red, pink, or white shirt day tomorrow! The mid unit Math quiz is on Wednesday of next week as well.


Ms. Wilks

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