Thursday, February 4th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, students started off continuing writing their rough draft persuasive essay on the best place to travel after covid. During this time, I also explained to the Grade 5s their new research project on French communities. They picked a French community in their teams and started working on this later in the day.

Then, we had snack and DPA.

After DPA, Grade 5s had laptops to work on their French project and I worked with the Grade 4s on their new unit of European Explorers. We talked about reasons for explorations and the students did an unscramble activity for the reasons. After we discussed about the topic, students had to cut out causes and corresponding effect and match them up.

After lunch, students did coding and typing practice and after recess Ms. Peddie came in and gave the students time to practice their dialogue skits, which will be performed next week Thursday during her class.

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks



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