Tuesday, February 2nd, 2021

Hi everyone,

Today, we started off with working on some fraction work as part of our new unit. Then, students started on:

Grade 4: pages 176-177 #2-8, 9, 12

Grade 5: pages 168-169 #1-2, 6-10

This is due tomorrow if not finished in class.

Then, students had time to practice for their drama skits.

After, students went to music, then we had DPA. Then, Mr. Anderson came in for a social emotional lesson.

After lunch, I did a fun activity I forgot to do during our natural resources unit. Students had to pick items to survive a zombie apocalypse! Just a random fun, creative thinking activity. After, students worked on their persuasive writing about the best place to travel after covid-19.

At the end of the day, students presented their drama skits and then we found the gratitude rock and shared things we were grateful for. The kids did a great job on their skits and sharing!

French booklets are due Thursday and SS project due Monday and presented on Monday as well.


Ms. Wilks

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