Friday, January 29th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, was a bit of a different schedule day.

We started off with reading some “Wonder” and then I introduced the new unit of fractions and we explored various numerators, denominators, and equivalent fractions. I modelled some using a rubix cube and we went through some games as a class with the kids putting their answers on individual whiteboards. I handed back the Math tests today and will post them on Fresh Grade at some point soon – my app is having some issues and is being super painstakingly slow, sorry! 🙁

After that, we had snack and students went to Music.

Following Music, we had DPA and then an assembly. After the assembly, we played a few games in the gym including Rock, Paper, Scissors evolution, Huckle Buckle, and I’m Going on a Picnic. Then, we had lunch.

After lunch, we talked about gratitude and how it means to have a grateful attitude. Then, we looked for the gratitude rock that I hid in the classroom and we shared what we are grateful for. Then, students had early recess and then we went on Zoom to watch a French Immersion program presentation from Armstrong Elementary about the program there that starts in Grade 6 if Grade 5’s are interested in joining this program.

Then, I assigned the weekend  journal: Pick 3 (or more) things that you are grateful for and persuade me why these are important to have gratitude for. 🙂 1.5 pages for Grade 5s and 1 page for Grade 4’s, due Monday.

Drama skits are going to be presented on Tuesday and French Booklets are due on Thursday.

Have a great weekend!


Ms. Wilks



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