Monday, January 25th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with a lesson on water displacement. I showed the kids that when I filled up a beaker with 200mL of water, you could tell the volume by reading the new number and subtracting the baseline measurement. We also talked about creating rectangles with equal areas and working with squared metres again.

Students worked on textbook pages:

Grade 5: page 157 #1, 3 and worked to answer how they could use one object to displace 100 mL of liquid.

Grade 4: pages 160-161 #2, 4, 7, & 9

page 165: 1, 2

The Math unit test is on Wednesday, so students should practice the different questions from the various lessons in Chapter 4 in preparation for Wednesday. I will also do a review for the students tomorrow.

After, we had DPA and then I introduced a new social studies project for the Grade 4s and 5s. We have been talking about injustices that have and still affect Indigenous peoples. The students need to choose an injustice we have talked about or another one and research and present their facts, thoughts, and opinions to the class through whichever format they choose. They worked well on the laptops today and were very focused!

After lunch, we worked on writing out two of our body paragraphs for our persuasive writing piece on school hours.

At the end of the day, students had their last class to prepare for their Drama skits that they are presenting next Monday.

Another reminder, that the spelling test is this Thursday.


Ms. Wilks


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