Thursday, January 14th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with our spelling test on descriptive words. I have marked them and they will be up on Fresh Grade tonight.

Then, we did another review session of difficult questions from the pop quiz from Monday. We reviewed volume, converting measurements, and some area and perimeter again. We also looked at how to calculate elapsed time.

After, we had snack and DPA. Following that, students worked on their hearts that we started, to not make the same mistakes and to remember the mistakes that were made in implementing residential schools and learning from this to impact the future.

Then, students worked on creating their symbolic imagery to match their line of the story about residential schools. I saw so many great ideas and was so impressed by their hard work!

After lunch, we did our Daily 5 stations and then Ms. Peddie came in to do a lesson on dialogue.

Just a reminder that tomorrow is black shirt day!


Ms. Wilks

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