Tuesday, January 6th, 2021

Hi Everyone,

Today, we started off with a class read-aloud of “Wonder” – it’s a super long book, so we’re still working our way through it little by little. I assigned new spelling words today – they are replacements for “boring”/simple words as per our lesson we did with Ms. Peddie to add in more descriptive vocabulary into our writing. After, we worked in partners to review some of the Math concepts that were introduced before the break on clocks/time and measurement: perimeter and area.

After that, we had snack and students went to Music. After Music, it was raining so we had indoor DPA.

After DPA, we continued to work on our Andy Warhol pop artwork.

Following lunch, we worked on our Daily 5 stations. At the end of the day, Grade 4’s and I worked on investigating circuits on this circuit builder: https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/circuit-construction-kit-dc/latest/circuit-construction-kit-dc_en.html to investigate conductors and resistors as part of electrical energy flows. We also watched a video and discussed more about mechanical energy. Lastly, we talked a bit about heat energy and how heat affects the movement of particles in objects to change their state and shape.

Grade 5’s worked on experimenting more with their Rube Goldbergs, which was very cool to see!

Homework today is that the spelling test is scheduled for next Thursday, January 14th and embroidery is due on Friday.

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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