Monday, January 4th, 2020

Dear Parents,

Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful Winter Break 🙂

Today, we started off with a class meeting just reviewing the rules, expectations, and class contract that we established at the start of the year. We also talked about expected vs. unexpected behaviours in the classroom. Then, we watched a Youtube video reading of a book on “Filling Buckets.” We talked about how we can metaphorically “fill others’ and ourselves’ buckets” in different ways by helping others, including them, complimenting them, and acting kindly. We talked about different behaviours that either “fill” our buckets or “empty” our buckets as well. We discussed how people have various levels in their buckets each day and we need to be conscious of that, as sometimes we do not know what is going on in others’ lives or troubles they are facing. Then, students wrote down some ways to help fill others’ buckets socially and then they coloured the bucket and wrote about it a little bit more. This is homework if it is not done.

After that, we had snack and indoor DPA.

Then, students worked on writing a journal entry about three New Year’s Resolutions and their highlights of their break. It is homework if not done.

After, we worked on our Andy Warhol Pop Art that we started a while ago and I told the students that their embroidery is due on Friday.

After lunch, Grade 5’s worked on their Rube Goldberg compound machines and Grade 4’s and I did a science experiment to demonstrate chemical reactions. We mixed baking soda and vinegar together in a balloon and water bottle, and the carbon dioxide released filled up the balloon. We watched a video explaining why this happens and wrote down our observations in the experiment as well. Then, we explored changes/transformations in energy in a simulator online.

At the very end of the day, students worked on their Christmas scripts that we didn’t finish from last year. They will have two more classes to work on this before they present and hand in their script.

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks


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