Monday, December 14th, 2020

Hi Everyone,

Happy last week of school before Winter Break!

Today, we started off with talking about the Zones of Regulation, a system to help identify our feelings and to identify appropriate coping strategies to manage our feelings. We talked about what each zone would look like and the feelings associated in each zone and in groups, they wrote them down on the associated paint sample. Then, students made a fortune teller and tested each other on the Zones of Regulation to identify feelings and accompanying strategies – it was a lot of fun.

We had indoor DPA today and then Grade 4’s used snap circuits to explore sound energy and Grade 5’s continued to plan their Rube Goldberg machine projects. They made some good progress on it today.

Right before lunch, students were writing their Drama Scripts for their Winter Break Skits.

After lunch, students continued on their Santa letters and then we did our last bit of tessellation work for our tessellation project! It looks great!

I also sent out the report cards by email because I forgot to hand them out at the end of the day, however some bounced back. I will try to give out a hard copy to students who did not get it by email due to email errors. Please let me know if you have still not received it tomorrow afterschool.

Thursday is pajama day 🙂 Friday is our class party – students are invited to bring nut-free items that are individually packaged if they would like.


Ms. Wilks

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