Thursday, December 10th


Today, we started off with our spelling test. I will be posting this on Fresh Grade tonight. I will also be posting the Math Test as well as all the students are finished it.

After the spelling test, students had time to work on their embroidery. They will only get class time up until the Winter Break and then will be expected to finish it during the break if they are not done within the next week. They are looking really great! Some students continued to work on our huge Christmas tree tessellation. It looks really awesome and I’ll post it on Fresh Grade.

After that, we had DPA and then Ms. Parke came in and worked with the kids – she gave them a really cool crossword to work on in groups.

Before lunch, I worked with the Grade 4’s on arranging crayons for our melting crayons pieces of artwork in order to show the effect of heat energy. The Grade 5’s were challenged to make a pulley when given a certain variety of materials.

After lunch, we did our Daily 5 stations and at the end of the day, Ms. Peddie worked with the kids on synonyms and read them a story about thesauruses.

Just a reminder, that tomorrow is “Battle of the Biomes” for the Grade 4’s. They will be presenting a PowerPoint presentation on a chosen biome to convince the rest of the class that their biome is the best and the Grade 5’s will secret-ballot vote.

Should be a lot of fun!

Have a good night 🙂


Ms. Wilks


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