Thursday, October 17th, 2019

Today we played some Math games: the kids really liked the ordering numbers game we played online: We also played a dice rolling game to compare numbers with our partners. The student with the higher number got a point when we were rolling four dice to create four-digit numbers.

We also started writing our Medieval Times Drama Skits – the students are tasked with writing a play about medieval times (no violence, death, profanity), and Mr. W and I will pick the to 2-3 scripts and we will perform them in our class and make props for it. The kids seemed pretty excited about this.

We also talked about differentiating between different types of words when we did a Class Mad Libs (the kids thought this was so funny too): and it’s a good way to differentiate between nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc.

We also did a writing lesson at the end of the day where we worked on poetry and reading a funny poem.

Student Proofs went home today, they are due back on Tuesday, October 22nd if you want to order photos! Retake Day is Thursday, October 24th!

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