Tuesday, January 7th, 2020

Dear Parents,

This morning we read more of “Castle in the Attic” as a class. Some pretty intense events took place in the book.

Then, we worked on counting up money and sorting coins through this game: https://www.practicalmoneyskills.ca/games/peterpigs/peterpigs.php 

The students had the chance to buy items for Peter the Pig and dress him up in a really funny way!

After snack, the students had Music and started playing their guitars, which they are excited about.

After lunch, we did a lesson on summarizing to prepare for our Literature Circles coming up later this term of in Term 3 to analyze various books in reading groups. We talked about how a summary answers the 5W’s and How and describes only the main ideas of the text read (not every single detail, but the ones that stand out to you). We also practiced summarizing the class book “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing” to practice this and I talked about how we need to use full sentences in a summary. Then, we broke off into our Daily 5 literacy stations.

At the end of the day, I introduced a new Science project to the kids for our conservation of energy unit. The students will pick one of the environmental foes as discussed in class and will plan how to reduce their eco footprint at home for a week. Then, they will create a comic strip that will illustrate to other students how they too can help to save the Earth in their actions at school or at home.


Ms. Wilks


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