Tuesday, December 17th, 2019

Dear Parents,

Today, we watched one more Drama presentation for the medieval scripts. Then, we worked on our Math tessellation keychains – they look so neat! After that, we experimented with our snap circuit kit as part of our electricity unit. I bought the wrong batteries by accident (if anyone has any spare AA, I would be eternally grateful 🙂 ), but we were able to get the light bulb to shine by building the first project which was a simple circuit that lit up a light bulb. It was very neat! This is the kit we won from BC Hydro – we are so appreciative! Then, we went and read/worked on a Christmas craft without buddies.

After lunch, we went to go and watch Cast A perform at the music concert.

After recess, we experimented with an online circuit builder: the kids wanted me to share it with you so they could build at home: https://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/circuit-construction-kit-dc

It’s very neat and we learned the words circuit, conductor (something that allows electricity to pass through such as paper clips or other metal objects), and resistor (something that blocks the flow of electricity). We tested various items to see if they were conductors or resistors. It was very neat to explore (some circuits caused fires, bright lights, etc.)

We also tracked our Carbon Footprint – our impact on the environment as an individual in our own families. Students got their own footprint with rings and based on a variety of questions that related to energy usage were able to see how much their activities negatively impacted the environment (e.g. not turning off water when brushing teeth, owning cars, etc.). It was very neat to see.

Tomorrow is our performance, it starts promptly at 12:45 for the afternoon performance and at 5:30 for the evening performance. However, please have your child meet in the classroom at 5PM sharp in a red/green shirt and black pants.

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