Dear Parents,
Today, we worked on creating growing patterns with pattern blocks. Growing patterns are patterns that expand and extend in contrast to repeating patterns that repeat certain/all elements over and over again. Then, we had a music rehearsal for the Wiinter Concert.
After lunch, we worked on creating our own similes and metaphors for “The Grinch”. The students created some very creative similes and metaphor the end ors to describe their disgust for the Grinch. Then, we did our Daily 5 literacy stations.
After recess, we worked on reading about desert biomes and our biome pamphlets. They are due on Friday if they are not done in class.
We also did an experiment where we used static electricity to separate salt and pepper by rubbing a balloon on hair and then having the pepper stick to the balloon because of the pull of static electricity and pepper being lighter than salt. They really liked the experiment
A reminder that tomorrow is Pajama Day and students need to bring a plate, fork, and knife in a ziploc baggie for the Pancake Breakfast tomorrow.
Ms. Wilks