Thursday, December 5th, 2019

Dear Parents,

Today, we had our spelling test – I had some prep time today while another teacher came in and finished marking their spelling tests. I have handed them back – the students did amazingly on it, I was so happy and have seen progress throughout the term! I will post them on Fresh Grade later tonight. The students made Christmas cards with Ms. Schmidt today and they look great!

We worked in our Daily  5 literacy groups to do book study, work on spelling, write letters, or learn new words with a partner.

After lunch, some of the students worked on their knitting with a parent volunteer. We started our typing program “All The Right Type” and the kids seemed to really enjoy it. I believe that typing is very important to learn as technology is such an important part of our world today.

At the end of the day, Ms. Berto came in and taught a lesson on how to write with details from your memory, facts you know, and your imagination as the writing lesson. Students wrote down their own ideas for each category to organize their thoughts before writing.

We have no homework today.

Just a reminder that we have skating tomorrow. If you are a parent driver, please meet us inside the classroom at regular time. I know there will be a lot of excitement, but I am encouraging students to come in and read so that we can organize ourselves quickly. Thank you to all of the parent drivers – I have sent out the lists by email.


Ms. Wilks

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