Tuesday, June 14th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with reading some of “James and the Giant Peach” and then students worked on some advanced multiplication and division work. Then, students had time to work on their foil art.

After, students had snack and recess. Following recess, students were challenged to build marshmallow towers with only marshmallows and toothpicks. The three judging criteria were: is it a tower? How much weight can it hold? And how tall is it?

Then, students played around on a light simulator to see how light moves through prisms and various substances.

After lunch, students continued using the simulator and then we shared our literature circles.

Following that,  we wrote our planners, cleaned up, went out for DPA, and then had Music.


Reminder: Literature Circles #10 is due on Thursday and novel needs to be returned.

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