Friday, November 29th, 2019

Dear Parents,

Today, we had Gym with Ms. Dittrich’s class and we played line tag and King’s court dodgeball.

Then, the students worked on pages 116-117 #1-15 in preparation for their test on Tuesday.

We took another turn for our Biome Catan game and started working on our reflections for this game to synthesize our learning on biomes and connect the game’s point to our learning. This reflection is homework if students are not done and it is due Monday – because of this assignment we will not have journal homework this weekend

After lunch, we had our Celebration of Learning Assembly.

At the end of the day, we had community time.

Our spelling test is on Thursday, December 5th next week.

I am attaching the December newsletter to this post for our upcoming learning 🙂 But with music rehearsals for the concert and the holidays coming, I expect that we won’t get through everything I want to, so we will have to pick up again in January.

December 2019 Newsletter

Have a good weekend!

Ms. Wilks

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