Wednesday, April 13th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with students drawing the class plants in their Observation Journal. Then, students did independent reading at their desks. After, students were assigned new Daily 5 reading pages.

Yellow group: Chapter 8

Red Group: Chapter 25-page 129

Orange Group: Complete Page 1 & 2 of the booklet (on page 2, just pick one writing prompt)

It is homework if it was not completed during class time.

Then, we had snack and did the Wordle today, which we got in 4 tries 🙂

After, recess and then students had time to work on their Art, we played a word-guessing game, and then students worked on their art for their stop motions. Students should have their Art for Stop Motion done by tomorrow, so they can start on the iPad tomorrow. If not done, they should finish some of the Art at home.

Following lunch, we worked on our School-Wide Write about people that support us where students wrote about a specific memory of when their chosen person supported them.

Then, we had DPA and started our Explorers unit. We talked about some of the countries explorers come from, why they explored, and a bit about the 5W’s of this time.

Reminder: Health Test Tomorrow and students need to bring their reading logs tomorrow completed for all four days this week to show me that they have read 30 minutes each day from Monday to Thursday.

Also, I completely forgot – a big thank you to everyone who donated seeds for us to plant!

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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