Wednesday, April 6th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with silent reading and then I read some of the class novel to the students. Then, we assigned new jobs and did Math Lesson #13 on subtracting decimals. This is similar to the lesson from yesterday, except we talked all about how the regrouping rules are the same, lining up decimals, and making sure to add the decimal point in the final answer. Students were assigned page 211 #1-7 and it is homework if not finished in class. I also made a mistake about the test date, the unit test will be on Tuesday next week, not Monday (gives them an extra day to study).

We are also going to be starting an At-Home Reading Program for students. Students should aim to read 30 minutes each weekday (or weekends also if they want) of a novel (not graphic novels targeted for younger students) that is of appropriate Grade-level for them. When they read 30 minutes for 5 days in a row (Monday-Friday), they will require a parent signature on each day to confirm they read, and then they will get a point toward the class point system. 50 points together and we get a movie class 🙂 We will be starting this on Monday and I hope to help foster the love for reading by encouraging students to find some interesting books at the public or school library or on Kindle.

Then, we had snack and recess. Following recess, we talked about the two main types of adaptations: physical vs. behavioural and we listed some examples of these adaptations for polar bears and birds. We also took up the characteristics of living things and how the 5 senses work. Then, students worked on filling out some adaptation questions. In Art, we started drawing our designs for our rugs, which was fun to see the kids come up with their designs.

After lunch, we talked about 5 ways to write an introduction for a fiction story. Students picked 3 ways and wrote sample introductions for their story and we shared some of these as a class.

Then, we had DPA, and then students did a reading and questions on avoiding being a bystander and on assessing the risks in potentially dangerous situations.

Tomorrow is the spelling test!



Ms. Wilks

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