Monday, March 7th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with our Math Minute and I told students that their rough draft of their persuasive writing is due on Thursday this week. Then, I guided students through an activity of using different sizes of paper strips to show how 1/3 can be different sizes based on how large the strip of paper is. This will set them up for success in their textbook work tomorrow.

Then, we had snack and recess. After recess, we watched Simon James carve and students had a chance to ask questions, which was very cool. After, students finished their snack and we read about Social Media precautions and tips and students answered some questions corresponding to this. It is homework if not done.

Following lunch, we did our Daily 5 stations, then students did their planners and cleaned up for home time.

Then, we had DPA and Gym. In Gym, we played some competition and pairs frisbee games. Finally, I handed out antigen tests. Please see the emails for more details and these need to be picked up directly by parents/guardians in person either in the morning at drop-off or at pick-up.

Students also need to bring a reusable grocery bag by Friday for all of their desk contents that they will need to bring home over the March break.

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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