Friday, February 11th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with our Math Minute. Then, we had a very serious discussion about a case called Jordan’s Principle. This was when there was a kid named Jordan Anderson who was a young, Indigenous boy. He needed at-home medical care in order to be released from the hospital, but since he was Indigenous, the federal and provincial government didn’t know who should pay for his health care. He died during this disagreement and Jordan’s principle was established to try to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. However, there are still many inequities in Indigenous peoples’ health. Students did a reflection on their feelings toward this topic and did a wonderful job with this.

After, we had BINGO after snack and recess. Then, students typed or finished their reflections.

After lunch, students packed their 20-year old letters and put them in their backpacks. They are tasked with putting the envelope in a safe place with parents this weekend with a calendar notification reminding them to open it on their 20th birthday.

Students also wrote down their weekend journal prompt. They are to write a story including the line: “She pushed the wall and a secret passageway opened up…”

Detail 1: Rising Action

Detail 2: Climax

Detail 3: Falling Action

*with an introduction and conclusion

*must have dialogue (speaking) in the story

This is due Monday.


Then, students worked on the Falling Action of their Social Studies stories. This part is due on Monday if not finished in class.

Finally, we had planners, community time, and clean-up.

Reminder: The biomes test is on Tuesday. Students need to remember to study and prepare for this. Spelling Test is also on Thursday next week.

Have a lovely weekend!


Ms. Wilks

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