Thursday, February 10th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with a Math pop quiz for measurement on time and area. I will be posting it on Fresh Grade later today. Please review and go over with your child. This will help them prepare for the Math Test in the near future.

After, students went to Music and then had recess.

Following recess, students worked on their Social Studies story. They wrote the climax/big problem for their stories. It is homework if this part is not done. Then, students worked in groups on their Coast Salish Mini Project.

After lunch, students typed up their student reflection for their Term 2 report card. When they were done, they did a quiet activity, then had DPA. At the end of the day, we worked on our Drama Skits. However, I had to unfortunately cancel the Drama skits because of too many behaviours and conflicts that were happening in the groups. Students will now be writing about elements of Drama skits and working in a group until they can show me they are responsible enough to work together independently and cooperate. I will mark this written work after Monday’s class when they are given a bit more time to finish this.

Then, we did planners and cleaned up.

Have a good night!



Ms. Wilks

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