Monday, November 18th, 2019

Dear Parents,

Today, the kids had Music first thing and I continued to conduct reading assessments with them one-on-one. Then, we worked on our student reflections where students reflected on what they are were proud of doing this term and what they would like to work on next term – this will be reflected on their Term 1 report card. Then, we did our first turn of our Biomes Catan game – the students were pretty excited to strategize and discuss with their groups what they wanted to do next to win.

After lunch, we did an impromptu writing assessment: the students had to write about what they wanted to do for Winter Break this year. After that, they worked on their papier mache medieval buildings – they are coming along wonderfully!

At the end of the day, we looked at a video about the Group of Seven – a group of Canadian artists who specialized in nature landscapes. The students picked which painting inspired them and created a sketch of a picture of a Group of Seven landscape they would like to take inspiration from (not copy). We also identified which biomes were depicted in these paintings to connect it to our Science learning.

The only homework today is to study for the spelling test – it is on Thursday! 🙂


Ms. Wilks

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