Friday, January 14th, 2022

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off with our Math Minute and then we did a Math Scavenger Hunt. In the Scavenger Hunt, students had to go around among sticky notes posted in the pod and the classroom to answer multiplication & division word problems. Then, we took this up. For the rest of Math, students worked on the Unit 3 Show What You Know #1-6, 7-until the end. This is for homework if not done. Again, Math Test is on Tuesday.

Then, we had snack and recess.

After recess, we worked on our Weekend Journal Outlines. The journal prompt for this weekend is: Write about 3 things that you did over the Winter Break. Write about each event in detail and remember to do the two checklists! This is due on Monday. Since it is January now, students are encouraged to write more than one page in order to continue to challenge themselves in their writing.

Then, students worked on their Typing Program until Lunch. They are doing amazing!

After lunch, we worked on drafting letters to our buddies in a graphic organizer. This is an extension of us working on our letter writing skills. We are working on drafting our writing, writing a rough copy, and then eventually writing a good copy that is edited based on teacher comments in order to continue to refine our writing.

At the very end of the day, we had planners, community time in our own classroom, and clean-up time.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Ms. Wilks

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