Wednesday, November 13th, 2019

Dear Parents,

Today, we had a bit of a break from Math work and we played this multiplication game as a class – – the kids were very into it and it’s a fun way for them to practice the automaticity of their times tables 🙂

Then, the students worked on their medieval buildings. We will be papier maching the walls tomorrow for some groups 🙂

After, we had library where Ms. Z showed them some online resources to try out at home.

After lunch, we did gymnastics stations again – the kids seemed to be quite a fun time with it.

We had another classroom meeting today and talked about some of the issues. We have banned “smurfing” – which is turning the inside of someone’s hood inside out. Often, this bothers other students and I think that touching one’s clothing is an extension of not touching other people without their permission and to simplify this, we are banning smurfing totally. We also talked more about how when we waste time from DPA and Gym, other students get upset because it wastes their time as well. Another thing we discussed was the “Four Warnings Rule”: Warning 1 – warning, Warning 2 – sent out to the pod, Warning 3: Sent to principal + email, Warning 4: Meeting with Parents.

We also started looking at our first biome: The Tundra/Polar Habitat Biome. The students were given a sheet to highlight the most important points and then are tasked with filling in one box on our Biome Pamphlet Sheet to show a picture of the Tundra and write the most important facts they learned in their own words on the sheet.

We will also be having a party next week Thursday (November 21st) because two of our students are sadly leaving 🙁 Students are encouraged to bring things that DO NOT HAVE PEANUTS, as we have an allergy in the class.


Ms. Wilks

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