Thursday, December 9th, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, as usual, we started off with our multiplication and division Math Minute. Students are seeing progress in their division, which is great! Then, we did our Spelling Test. I will be posting them on Fresh Grade soon. After, students went to Music, had recess, and then snack.

During snack time, I showed the students a video to prepare them for a small Math-Art project we are doing. It is Art made up of tessellations – a shape that is repeated in a pattern that fits perfectly so that the shape does not have space in between when it is repeated. Students started this after lunch and they look really cool so far.

Then, students continued to make props for our Christmas skit and I continued practicing with the actors.

After lunch, we worked on our Tessellation colouring and then we started writing our rough draft for the Haiku poem.

At the very end of the day, we had planners, clean-up, DPA, and library.

Group of 7 Artwork due on Tuesday next week!

Pajama Day and Pancake Breakfast are on Tuesday as well!

We will be having a Christmas party next Friday. Students can bring treats but we have a lot of leftovers from the Halloween party that I will be handing out as well.

Still collecting Food Drive Donations & Cans!

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks

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