Thursday, December 2nd, 2021

Dear Parents,

Today, we started off the day with our Math Minute again. However, this time we did our regular 1.5 minute multiplication practice (we are on 3 times tables) and we also did a division Math Minute for 2.5 minutes (as we haven’t focused on division a lot yet). The theme for this division exercise was the 5 times table. Then, we took up the answers for our Math booklet homework from yesterday. The math booklet focused on relating division and multiplication facts to help students memorize these related facts. Then, we read a bit from an animal book that one of the students brought in – it was very cool!

After, students went to Music and then had recess. Following this, it was snack and then I reviewed a bit more before the Health quiz, which on Wednesday. Again, students need to read through their Health booklet and practice drawing out plates according to Canada’s Food Guide in order to study for this quiz and be totally prepared. After, students did some coding on the coding program we are working on: Code Combat. We talked about how to work in partners before we began and how to take turns and show good manners when working together.

After lunch, there were quite a few issues that happened during unsupervised time. Students are encouraged to remind others to follow the rules using a calm and gentle voice. If the behaviour is unsafe, they are encouraged to go to the office to report these behaviours and get help.

Then, we worked on a “Number Poem” as our next type of poem. Students picked a theme and came up with 10 different things that would match the theme and used descriptive adjectives to make their poem more interesting. This is for homework if not done.

After, we had planners, clean-up, DPA, and then the book fair!

Reminder: Group mural for Math is due on Monday. Students were given their individual sheet as part of the group mural today, so they have it in their blue Math folder.

Spelling Test is also on Thursday of next week (December 9th)

Have a good night!


Ms. Wilks



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