Thursday, November 7th, 2019

Dear Parents,

Today, we had our spelling test. I have already marked the spelling tests and will be putting them up on Fresh Grade. I have also handed back the Math Tests. In Math, we explored skip counting by playing a numbers game: in groups the students had to skip count by 2’s and every time there was a number with a 2 in it, they had to say ‘buzz’ instead or they were out and had to see how high they could count. We did this with 3’s as well. I also had the students compete to put together a cut-up multiplication table to practice their multiplication. 🙂 The homework is pages 92-93 $1-7 and 9.

Then, we worked on our medieval buildings – the students were mostly all cutting out their cardboard walls in preparation to add the papier mache on top to make their textured medieval buildings.

After lunch, we worked on our literacy stations and talked about possessive pronouns e.g. mine, yours, ours, theirs, etc.

The students had a Remembrance Day writing lesson with Ms. B as well at the end of the day.

Just a reminder that the All About Me Book is due on Tuesday – we have been working on this September so the students should have a lot of it complete if they have used their in-class time wisely.

Have a good night!

Ms. Wilks

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